Cortical Visual Impairment  Proficiency, Winter 2017

Recipient details

Bronwen Scott

Issuer details

Issuer name
Perkins eLearning

Badge details

Cortical Visual Impairment Proficiency, Winter 2017
Microcredential: Cortical Visual Impairment: Proficiency Description This microcredential is awarded to individuals who have successfully completed and passed the Cortical Visual Impairment (CVI) class. This online class provides knowledge and skills related to CVI related to definition, causes, diagnosis, assessment and intervention. Competency In order to earn this microcredential, participants will need to demonstrate a basic ability to define cortical visual impairment (CVI), identify the causes of CVI, describe the diagnostic criteria, describe the assessment process and identify strategies for intervention.LEARNING OUTCOMES/OBJECTIVES: Participants will:Describe the critical differences between ocular and cortical forms of visual impairment Describe the role of neuro-visual plasticity in improvements in functional vision forindividuals with CVI Describe the diagnostic criteria used to identify CVI Describe the importance of knowing the medical causes of CVI as an important key to diagnosis of CVI Describe the function of both the anterior and posterior visual systems Describe the function and behaviors associated with dorsal and ventral stream visual processing List the characteristics associated with CVI Describe the key factors and behaviors associated with each characteristic Describe the educational implications of the characteristics associated with CVI Describe the rationale for a CVI-specific functional vision assessment Describe the behaviors associated with Phase I, Phase II, and Phase III CVI Describe the importance of the interview, observation, and direct assessment components of The CVI Range Describe methods to integrate The CVI Range results into the IEP Describe how to use the results of The CVI Range in program planning”Describe the goals of intervention adaptations and strategies for individuals whose CVI Range scores place their level of functional vision in Phase I, Phase II, and Phase III CVI Design adaptations and instructional methods for individuals whose CVI Range scores place their level of functional vision is Phase I, Phase II, or Phase III CVI. Describe methods to incorporate salient features, & comparative thought into literacy support Describe the specialized supports used to facilitate literacy in individuals who are in Phase III CVI Describe challenges and supports of social learning & interaction for individuals with CVI.
Cortical Visual Impairment, Winter 2017
Users are awarded this badge when they complete the following requirement:
  • Users must complete the course"Cortical Visual Impairment, Winter 2017" with minimum grade of 615

Badge expiry

Date issued
Monday, March 27, 2017, 3:45 PM
This badge was issued for completing:
  • Users must complete the course"Cortical Visual Impairment, Winter 2017" with minimum grade of 615