Perkins-Roman CVI Range (c) Endorsement

Recipient details

Jeni Stepanek

Issuer details

Issuer name
Perkins eLearning

Badge details

Perkins-Roman CVI Range (c) Endorsement
Endorsement: Perkins-Roman CVI(c) Range Description This endorsement is awarded to individuals who have successfully demonstrated the ability to administer the CVI Range(c) and have demonstrated experience in program planning for students at all three phases of the CVI Range (c) Competency In order to earn this endorsement, participants will need to successfully complete the four step process: application, obtain CVI Basics micro-credential, obtain CVI Assessment micro-credential, and submit three references substantiating experience. LEARNING OUTCOMES/OBJECTIVES: Participants will: • Submit an application demonstrating appropriate experience in working with students with CVI. • Obtain the CVI Basics micro-credential (define CVI, identify the causes of CVI, describe the diagnostic criteria for CVI, describe the assessment process for CVI and identify strategies for intervention. • Obtain the CVI Assessment micro-credential by demonstrating the ability to appropriately score two videos that are part of the Perkins-Roman CVI Range Endorsement. • Submit three references substantiating experience in working with students with CVI which meet the requirements of the rubric.
Perkins/Roman CVI Range (c) Endorsement: Video Assessments
Users are awarded this badge when they complete the following requirement:
  • This badge has to be awarded by the users with ANY of the following roles:
    • Manager
    • Teacher

Badge expiry

Date issued
Tuesday, August 1, 2017, 3:19 PM
Expiry date
Tuesday, July 26, 2022, 3:19 PM (This badge has expired!)
This badge was issued for completing:
  • This badge has to be awarded by the users with ANY of the following roles:
    • Manager
    • Teacher